Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Koh Chang: Chasing Waterfalls

In December we go a surprise long weekend because an event downtown Bangkok (Bike for Dad) was going to be closing a few roads and traffic would be heavy. So we hopped on a bus for a last minute adventure to Koh Chang, a place we had meant to visit for a while. We had been to the lesser visited Koh Chang on the Andaman Sea last year but this is the more touristy one in the Gulf of Thailand. 

It is mostly a national park and although we did not do any hiking, we did get to explore for a day on a scooter. The west side has most of the resorts.

Getting there involve a bus and two ferries (8 hrs)....wow!

A typical road side stop where there is always food and snacks. 

Waiting for the ferry.

We got to the ferry early but had to wait for others to board. It's fun comparing the different modes of travel.

Vince on the ferry.

The twin of out boat...eeek!

Enroute to anywhere always involves sketchy toilets.
At the pier, waiting for the ferry.

A "backpackers" place to stay, and not one of the nicest. It looked like party central (and dirty). 

It is difficult to see the rest of the backpackers place but it was pretty sketchy. Most are claen and comfortable.

Toilet #3...the ferry

We booked last minute and ended up at a nice little place and the end of a beach.  It has seen better days but it was quiet and we don't hang out in the hotel room anyway. Plus, it was a long walk up.

Oh, the stairs...

We were on this nice little beach (Lonely Bay)

Vince making good use of it.

We really had one full day plus two halves which sounds crazy but we made the most of it. Day 1 was chasing waterfalls on a scooter. 

Success...we found three!
Khling Plu Waterfall

Than Ma Yom Waterfall

The walkway (nature trail) was a little bizarre. I guess someone took the words "nature trail" seriously.

Absorbing nature.

I love how there is never a lack of food anywhere.

And finally, the evasive Khlong Nonsi which took us on a wild goose chase for a while.
The sign looked clear but that was it....and way more than 300 m. 

We eventually made it after Vince realized that we should backtrack and take the scooter up the dirt road we were walking beside. I held on tight and we bumped along praying for no flat tires. We got lucky

It wasn't much so but we had fun jungle walking up to see what else we could see. 

That was until I remembered that we were in snake country....ahhhh! I think it was at this point that I remembered.

We always rent bikes in cities and scooters to get out and explore further which is such a super way to see the area. This beautiful vista looks out over the main resorts. We were at the far end.

...and this unusual site. 

We headed down to a fishing village that we had read about and it was really quite pretty and centred around this long pier.

I like this!

The village

Lots of beautiful side alleys.

...and amazing use of driftwood.

The seafood was amazing but I'm not really sure what these are.

Haha, we bought matching swim suits......a thing here. But, we had to wait until we found ones that fit.

There are many Europeans who travell toKoh Chang which means BAKERY!!! No way would we pass this up.

Final half day kayak out to some islands from the beach. A perfect way to end the weekend.

The little island was very unique with lots of corral and I guess the "thing" is to hang it? I was relieved to see they weren't skulls/bones.