And that is due to the fact that we are luck enough to have Prim come to our place 1/week to clean up after Vince....hahahaha....just checking to see if he reads this:). Most people hire someone local for cleaning/cooking/nannies as it adds to the economy. Okay, I'll admit it, I love it! It's a pretty easy job with us-small place and we keep things up to scratch anyway. It will be nice to have her come by when we are away to check on the place also.
I just realized that 5 pairs are mine and two are Vince's....I should learn to share.
Thai fun fact: Every time you buy yogurt, you get 4 little plastic spoons, wrapped in plastic. This is the land of convenience and plastic.
It hasn't rained for a few days now and I hate to jinx it but the rainy season seems like it is coming to a close. I have to say that it was getting a little old when it poured heavily every day for 10 days. We were finally able to try out our solar ovens and cooked s'mores at the end of the day today. For those who missed the post about the ovens etc., the s'mores were peanut butter crackers, individually packaged, strawberry-filled marshmallows and chocolate. We cooked them outside the headmaster's office in the front of the building. Check out that nice blue sky.
Delicious! We figure that we have enough supplies to have one each class for a few weeks. I did have to explain to one of the boys that he should unwrap his marshmallow before heating it.